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Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

The EU Regulation proposal on Artificial Intelligence: practical analysis of the new European AI regulatory framework - Part Three.

Essay published on Diritto & Giustizia - Giuffrè Lefebvre Publisher - 13th, May 2021.

Diritto & Giuistizia - Giuffrè Lefebvre Editore

The EU Regulation proposal on Artificial Intelligence: practical analysis of the new European AI regulatory framework - Part Three.
In this third essay on the proposal for the EU General Regulation on Artificial Intelligence, published today in Giuffrè Lefebvre's Law and Justice, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno goes in-depth with the overall risk assessment system on high-risk AI systems (examination that had been initiated in the previous essay, as a specific obligation of suppliers), analysing the transparency obligations, as well as the so-called anthropocentric approach to AI, with the obligation to guarantee human monitoring and surveillance.

The analysis of further organizational, technical, commercial obligations for suppliers is then started with the illustration - specifically - of their obligations relating to the so-called accountability of Artificial Intelligence, based on a very complex quality management system  which is a mechanism that must be documented and maintained by suppliers, based on the GDPR model (but with expected obligations that have a much greater impact on the organization).

The essay ends with an overview on how suppliers can obtain and official compliance at European level of AI systems, before they are placed on the market or place into use. Visualizza il documento allegato
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