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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

The issues of non-EU data transfer and the related activities of the DPO.

Workshop "DPOs' Role and Responsibilities" organised by Paradigma S.r.l. - Rome, 5 June 2024.

The issues of non-EU data transfer and the related activities of the DPO.

In this workshop, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno provided an in-depth analysis of the current framework inherent in international transfers of personal (and non-personal, under the Data Governance Act) data outside the European Economic Area, updated:
  • to the July 10, 2023 adequacy decision for the transfer of personal data to the U.S. in light of the Data Privacy Framework;
  • to Recommendations 1/2022 of June 23, 2023 of the European Data Protection Board on how to structure BCRs (Binding Corporate Rules); and
  • to the principles affirmed by the EU Court of Justice in the so-called "Schrems II" judgment;
  • to Recommendations 1/2020 and 2/2020 issued by the European Data Protection Board;
  • to the standard clauses for non-EU data transfers approved by the EU Commission in Decision 914/2021.
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