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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

At-a-distance monitoring of employees, between labor standards, data protection, and AI.

Conference "Remote controls on workers' activities between privacy, labor protections and technological evolution" - May 16, 2024.

At-a-distance monitoring of employees, between labor standards, data protection, and AI.
Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno presents a paper with an in-depth study of the following points:
  • the regulatory framework of reference: relations between the Workers' Statute, GDPR and Privacy Code
  • data protection aspects: practical cases of lawful controls in the light of Opinion No. 2/2017 of the EU Supervisors
  • video surveillance, biometric data and geolocation of workers: the Guarantor's Order No. 231/2023 (Supreme Court, March 23, 2023, No. 8375)
  • How to draw up the Internal Regulations on the use of IT work tools and the data processing notice
  • the AI aspects: the controls perspective in light of the future EU Regulation on Artificial Intelligence
  • work, algorithms and controls: a regulatory overview
  • the implications of remote control in so-called algorithmic work: the December 2021 EU Directive and the employer represented by an electronic platform.

The Conference Program is available by clicking on the link below. Workshop Schedule
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